Our core business includes tailor-made, multilingual, medium to large solutions with WordPress. We work closely with the community, contributing to making future versions even better – for us and our clients.

Whether it involves revamping an existing website, activating new features, or embarking on a complex digitalization project, we support you from strategic consulting and design to tailor-made WordPress solutions that positively impact your business.

Our main goal is to hand over the responsibility of your website to you, assisting you in quickly creating new content or modifying existing content, all on an intuitive user interface that simply works.

Online Portal for the career choice portal of the canton Zurich

  • A web application for desktop, publicly accessible via berufswahl.zh.ch
  • A new concept for user navigation and revision of the information architecture
  • A clever registration/login concept for young people and teachers
  • Interactive elements, such as an interest test
  • An intelligent search that scans all content types and presents them thematically
  • Personalized content for registered users
  • Automatic linking of content via various interfaces with “Headless” architecture, for always up-to-date information and easier content maintenance

Multilingual Multisite for Pro Helvetia

  • Central and easy management of multiple websites (Multisite)
  • Simple translatability, including support for right-to-left languages
  • Migration of data from Typo3
  • Programming of websites, including custom content managing elements
  • Continuous development since 2015

Online Magazine for Swisscom

  • Consulting, concept, user surveys, and user tests
  • Design and implementation
  • Migrate content from Drupal 7 based website to WordPress
  • Specially programmed functions for content migration
  • Custom interactive elements such as flip cards and quizzes
  • Central advertising and information management
  • Campaigns and competitions

What does it take for a good WordPress website?

Visual Design

Responsive Design

WordPress Theme

WordPress Plugins

Editorial Concept


WordPress Plugins

We build and maintain numerous open source plugins to improve and extend WordPress beyond it’s core features. Get in touch if your organisation could benefit from a custom WordPress plugin and check out our current plugins: