Home Portfolio Career choice portal for teenagers, parents and companies

Career choice portal for teenagers, parents and companies

Our team is revolutionizing career choice in the canton of Zurich by developing a user-friendly portal with interactive elements, personalized content and “headless” architecture.

The web application gives students, parents, teachers and career counselors easy access to information and thus provides optimal support in choosing a career.

Screenshot of the Webapp berufswahl.zh.ch


An innovative career choice portal for everyone

Phase 1 + 2

Together with the Department of Education of the Canton of Zurich, we have designed and implemented a portal on the topic of career choice, which is now also accessible outside of school for a wider audience such as teenagers, parents, teachers and careers advisors. The portal runs technically via a so-called “headless” CMS, which collects data from various sources via different interfaces so that the content is always up-to-date and even easier to maintain.

Companies in focus

Phase 3

In the third phase, an area was added for companies to present themselves. Thousands of young people use the career choice portal to find out about professions and search for apprenticeships.

In addition, trial apprenticeships and apprenticeship positions are displayed and interested parties can use their login to make an inquiry directly on the trial apprenticeship profile.

Career choice blog and radar

Phase 4

The blog contains tips and templates for choosing a career, trial apprenticeships and apprenticeships. In addition, students can find out their dream job in a fun way using the careers radar. We also created an overview with information for teenagers to find out which baccalaureate school suits them best. Read more

Finally, we made various optimizations for even better user guidance.

Webapp berufswahl.zh.ch on a laptop
Home page of the career choice portal

New user journey

The user journey of the young target group now looks as follows:

Icon of a hat, which you where on graduation day

In the classroom

The teenagers are familiarized with the career choice portal by their teacher. In the classroom, on a desktop computer, the pupils are instructed about the career choice roadmap. Each young person can click through the interest test, which is the first step towards personalization in the classroom.

Icon of a house

At Home

The teenagers can find out about the careers suggested on the basis of the test results and discuss them with their parents or mentors if necessary.

Icon of a walking person

On the go

The portal is accessible on all devices and screen sizes via a browser. This means that young people can find out about careers, upcoming events or apprenticeship positions at any time and register accordingly.

New for teachers

Icon of a smiley face

Teachers are pleased

The portal has been available to teachers in the canton of Zurich since the start of the school year in summer 2019 as a supplementary tool for career choice lessons and has been very well received so far.

The portal for the classes is really brilliant! Visually, in terms of content and structure, it’s simply superb!

Teacher biz Urdorf
Marc Gander Odermatt

«I really appreciate the transparent and fair way required works!»

Marc Gander Odermatt
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