We are at home in Switzerland and Germany with offices in Lucerne, Zurich and Schwerin. We are also at home in the WordPress content management system.

Within the WordPress Open-Source Community we move like a fish in water, more in the ocean than in Lake Zurich because the possibilities for customised web design are endless. Since 2009, we have been designing exactly what is required for companies of all sizes.

What we do

In addition to expertise in web design, we also have know-how when it comes to coffee. We know where the bean drink tastes particularly good. Because at required, we not only work in our offices, but also remotely – for example, in places where there is good coffee.

Can we help you and your team with well-thought-out web design (and coffee tips)? We are happy to support you.

What is important to us

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High quality

High quality is the result of a great deal of expertise and experience. With these ingredients, we realise websites and web applications that work perfectly and look beautiful.

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Customised solutions

Web projects often have numerous requirements. That’s why we focus on customised web design. We love tailoring customised websites.

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Complete responsiveness

Our web solutions adapt to all screen sizes – mobile or desktop, everything in between and beyond. We are committed to complete responsiveness.

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Sustainable technology

What we create should work today, tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. We think long-term. We only use third-party plugins if they are future-proof, for example if they have a fast response time.

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Commitment to WordPress

Involvement in the WordPress community is important to us. We continue to develop the open-source software and foster dialogue. In doing so, we help to make WordPress even better. And we keep our finger on the pulse of developments.

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Lasting partnership

The digital world is changing rapidly. We remain there for our customers and continue to develop the websites. Long-term collaboration benefits the product and is also a lot of fun.

Our Team

We are a well-coordinated and experienced team with skills as versatile as a Swiss Army knife. We enjoy our work and approach it with professionalism and simplicity.

Karin Christen

Karin Christen

As an interaction designer, Karin takes the user’s perspective and ensures strong user guidance with good intuition and a lot of experience. She is also the manager of our company. She is on the move not only at work, but also in the Alps as a passionate mountain biker.

Stefan Pasch

“Paschi” is our software engineer (and North German cheerful nature) with a clear focus on sustainable, fast and secure code. He also manages our German company. Incidentally, Stefan also has strong skills in martial arts.

Stefan Pasch
Stefan Velthuys

Stefan Velthuys

“Velthy” is our designer and front-end developer with a passion for appealing and feature-rich designs. He creates websites and applications that are easy to use and look beautiful. Stefan likes to get his inspiration for beautiful and functional design from city trips.

Dominik Schilling

Dominik is a developer with a passion for WordPress and the open-source community, where he is heavily involved. He particularly enjoys new and complex challenges. This is where he can utilise the latest technologies. The Cologne native also enjoys the challenge of strength training.

Dominik Schilling
Simon Halimonov

Simon Halimonov

With his skills in design and programming, Simon creates user interfaces and writes code for modern websites. He is a trained media designer and is familiar with the latest front-end technologies. Simon is not only out and about in the digital world, but also enjoys diving underwater.

Tuğçe Nur Taş

As a front-end developer and project manager, Tuğçe Nur skilfully translates the needs of customers into technical requirements. The team can also rely on her coordination skills. She finds a balance to her busy everyday life by watching birds.

Tuğçe Nur Taş
Jeff Chi

Jeff Chi

Jeff is a trained designer (and comic artist) and has been developing well-thought-out or, as he says, “g’scheite” front ends for over ten years. He realises robust solutions according to current web standards, for example in terms of accessibility. Jeff also likes to take a “smart” approach to bouldering.

Are we offering exactly what you’re looking for? We look forward to supporting you and your company in enhancing your web presence.

Have we appealed to you as a potential employer? While we don’t currently have any vacancies, we encourage you to get in touch if you’re interested.

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