The website was already running on WordPress. Nevertheless, we started with a fresh installation and set up our setup with a completely custom theme and an empty WordPress installation.

The more static content, such as the various service descriptions, was quickly incorporated into the new design and the new templates, as we were able to transfer this manually due to the manageable scope. It was a different story for the articles: With over 1,500 articles, you don’t want to work manually, you want to transfer the content automatically.

That’s why we wrote our own migration script, in which we also took into account that the article content can be maintained directly with the Block Editor – instead of the Classic Editor as before. We also checked previous settings that were developed by the previous agency and set them up accordingly so that the settings and options work with the new templates.


Steiger Legal

Design, Migration, Frontend, WordPress


The design is deliberately minimalist and focuses clearly on quick findability and legibility. There are various elements to make contact quickly and easily, both on desktop devices and on smartphones. After all, you don’t want to lose any time if you ever need legal support.

Thanks to clever caching and performance-oriented development, the website feels super fast; because it is. No loading times, but immediate feedback and display of new content with one click.

Take a look for yourself, you are sure to find something relevant to you among the numerous articles:

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