The redesign

The requirement of the new design was that the different sites follow the same structure as much as possible but at the same time have look different from the other sites. That’s why we designed and developed two tailor-made themes, one for the event pages, and one for the restaurant and show pages.

Screenshot of the websites Maag and Halle622

The new features of MAAG Music & Arts AG

The sites management with WordPress “Multisite”

The WordPress theme selection

Events & Restaurant,,

Show websites,,,,, und Weitere.

The MAAG Music & Arts AG content management team can easily manage their content of all of their sites from the central backend using a single login. The various websites are available for selection as follows:

The site selection inside a WordPress multisite

The event management

Now the event team can manage all their events centrally. By assigning respective taxonomies, the corresponding websites (, and soon also the Härterei) display the events assigned to them.

Event-Websites (Multisite)

MAAG Music & Arts AG

Design, Frontend, WordPress


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