Home Blog Bouldering, fine dining and beautiful views: Retreat 2023

Bouldering, fine dining and beautiful views: Retreat 2023

Stefan Pasch Avatar
Karin, Paschi und Jeff besprechen einen Plan, wie sie beim Bouldern (Klettern) vorgehen wollen.

Our location in the city of Lucerne with the Alps and Lake Lucerne formed the backdrop for our 2-day company retreat, which brought together our team from different parts of Germany and Switzerland. In an exquisite hotel right on the shores of the lake, the retreat promised not only a break from everyday working life, but also a variety of exciting experiences.

Welcome to Lucerne

Travelling from different corners of Germany and Switzerland was the start of a trip with lots of good food and sporting activities. Our team was warmly welcomed at the Petit Grand Hotel Beau Séjour, which boasted a breathtaking view of the lake and the snow-capped peaks of the Alps. In the evening, we filled our bellies at our favourite restaurant Grottino 1313.

Going live & bouldering course

In keeping with the motto “work first, then pleasure”, we started Thursday morning with the going live of our internal company portfolio website and discussed other internal company topics.

After lunch, we went to the climbing centre in Kriens where we attended an introductory bouldering course. Under expert guidance, we learnt about the fascination of bouldering and had a lot of fun – and sore muscles :)

Karin, Corina and Tugce Just working in the office in Lucerne

Luckily, we had used up a lot of energy bouldering and had plenty of room for the sumptuous Japanese dinner at Nozomi.

View of the Pilatus

Up to the Pilatus

On Friday morning, Secret Santa gifts provided some surprising moments. We then made our way up Mount Pilatus, one of the most striking peaks in the Swiss Alps. The breathtaking view and the delicious lunch at the Pilatus Kulm rewarded us for the rather long gondola ride.

Back in Lucerne, thanks to Velthy’s connections, we were able to enjoy an exclusive guided tour of the Neubad. The Neubad, the former indoor swimming pool of the city of Lucerne, hosts events in the fields of music, spoken word, science, film, performance, club, cuisine and much more. The building is also home to over 80 users, mainly from the creative industries. In addition, the puzzle surrounding our missing logo in the old Neubad swimming pool was solved and the plaque in the swimming pool was found, which was created for the financial support of required 10 years earlier.

The evening was rounded off with culinary delights at the award-winning Stiefels Hopfenkranz. From lobster-carrot-yuzu to beef Wellington, the meal offered a variety of flavours.

Ciao Corina

Photo of Corina playing with her child

Unfortunately, this was also Corina’s last retreat. After 4 years of being required, she is leaving us for new adventures.

I would describe my time at required as uplifting and liberating. Never before have I experienced so much trust and freedom in a professional environment. In addition, every team member has endeavoured to help me develop both professionally and personally.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the past few years.

This is not a goodbye, but a see you soon 🫶

Corina Schedler

Ci vediamo a Torino

The shared experiences, the culinary pampering and the carefully selected gifts left us with precious memories to take home with us.

The next time we meet in person will be at WordCamp Europe in Turin. A presto 👋