Home Blog Traduttore 3.0

Traduttore 3.0

Dominik Schilling Avatar

Today we’re happy to announce the public release of Traduttore 3.0.

Traduttore is our open-source WordPress plugin that allows you to host your own WordPress.org-style translation API for your WordPress projects. We use it for our custom plugins and themes for our clients.

In this version we focused on making the plugin more modular which gave us the opportunity to support not just GitHub as a source but also Bitbucket, GitLab or even self-managed repositories.

3.0 now also brings support for JavaScript translations which have been introduced in WordPress 5.0 as part of the new block-based editor. Traduttore does all the string extraction and generation of translation files for you. As a developer you don’t have to hassle with all of this, instead you can focus on building beautiful blocks, just like we do.

We have heard your feedback and have improved the documentation which you can find on https://wearerequired.github.io/traduttore/. Please let us know if anything is missing.

We also updated Traduttore Registry, the integration library for your plugin and themes, to be more reliable when it comes to new projects and translations.

You can get the new versions on GitHub or via Composer:

If you find any issues and have some feedback, please do not hesitate to report them on GitHub as an issue.

Changelog Traduttore

Due to the large number of changes in the release it is recommended to update all of the language packs. This can be done with the WP-CLI command wp traduttore language-pack build --all.


  • Heavy architectural changes to make the plugin more modular.
  • All filters and actions now use . as the separator between the prefix and hook name instead of _.
  • Scheduling of cron events to reduce number of unnecessary builds and updates.
  • Bump Traduttore Registry version to 2.0.
  • Existing WP-CLI commands:
    • wp traduttore build <project>wp traduttore language-pack build <project>
    • wp traduttore cache clear <project>wp traduttore project cache clear <project>
    • wp traduttore update <project>wp traduttore project update <project>


  • Support for Bitbucket.org repositories (Mercurial and Git).
  • Support for GitLab repositories.
  • Support for self-managed repositories (GitLab and others).
  • New REST API route for incoming webhooks (traduttore/v1/incoming-webhook).
  • Support for JavaScript translations.
  • Greatly improved documentation.
  • New WP-CLI commands:
    • wp traduttore info for information about the Traduttore setup.
    • wp traduttore project info <project> for information about a project.
    • wp traduttore language-pack list <project> for listing all language packs in a project.


  • The REST API route github-webhook/v1/push-event for incoming webhooks is replaced by traduttore/v1/incoming-webhook.


  • Remove all filters and actions with _ as the separator.

Changelog Traduttore Registry


  • Delete cached API results when plugins/themes are updated to avoid stale or missing translation updates.


  • Integration tests.


  • Support for PHP 7.0.
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